About Us


Oasis, as a clinical practice, was founded by Christine Gardener in November 2013. It was birthed out of a desire to support individuals in developing a strong internal world and to see people caring for their emotional, cognitive, and behavioural well-being. 

Before 2013, Oasis was functioning as a spiritual prayer hub for members of The Vine Church. In those days, it was pioneered by Drusilla Read and Sandra Snelgrove. Drusilla and Sandra created a private space in which people could encounter their God and explore their chosen spirituality as well as pray and receive prayer support. 

Although Oasis has vastly changed in its practice, we at Oasis, are deeply grateful to both Drusilla and Sandra for the firm foundation of healing and wellness that they built. 

The Clinic 

The health of each individual member of our team at Oasis is integral to providing a safe and nurturing environment to our clients. This is why we strive to create an environment where all our counsellors, as well as non-client-facing staff, feel valued and supported. We continually work to develop our staff and provide an environment where our practitioners can grow and learn from each other. 

In addition to creating an environment where clients and counsellors thrive, we are committed to being a part of the growth of the community of mental health providers in Hong Kong. This motivates our clinic to take on master’s level students and interns, not only to provide them a location to practice but also to enable the next generation of counselor’s access to quality individual and peer supervision. 

A Few of Our Wider Aims 

In a large, vibrant, and demanding city like Hong Kong, it is easy to lose sight of our own needs for balance and the fact that it is human to have limitations. It’s easy to feel lost and alone. One of our aims at Oasis is to work gently to challenge any stigmas within the city that may prevent people from reaching out for psychological, emotional, or social/relational support. 

Part of Hong Kong’s character is that both a place where people of many different cultures live together, as well as an environment in which families have access to reach beyond its boundaries for education. Both bring cultural influences into the very fabric of Hong Kong society. At Oasis we recognize the stresses that come when integrating into a city with so many cultures. We also understand the tensions that can arise in a family when members of that family have been educated abroad. Another of our aims is to affirm individuality and identity as well as harmony in relationships and families.

Oasis Hong Kong Centre for Counselling and Psychotherapy is governed by The Vine Church Ltd., its Board of Directors, and Elders.